Παρασκευή , 18/10/2024

Patricia Sundari: Τhe “Godness” of tantric therapy

Tantric therapy deals with the truth that the emotional body presents. It is a way of dealing with these emotions on the physical, material plane as well. An opportunity to observe how all this influences our breathing, our hormones… To perceive, not only intellectually, but also the sensorial aspects of it all.

It’s an opportunity to vent everything we’ve always been afraid to express. Our anger, our madness, our sexuality, our sadness, our laughter…doing it all in a controlled and safe environment gives us a never-before-experienced freedom to be whole, whole. Without fear of reprisals or curtailment.

Every Catharsis experienced deep down is a liberating process, that is, it aims to release the pain, condensed and imprisoned inside you for a long time, for years, decades or even centuries, after being encapsulated inside you, inside your Akashic record for several subsequent lifetimes.
If your heart is suffocated because of your mind, only catharsis can solve it. Free yourself from what holds you back.
Sensitize the body with enough energy and, using the chakra map, we combine movements, breaths, sounds, senses and other resources to mobilize this energy throughout the body.

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